Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.



A TinyMCE plugin that allows you to insert free clipart images to posts on your WordPress site. During writing a post, if you click the i2clipart plugin button, a popup dialog will show up containing a search box and a color palette. You can search for an image by typing the proper keywords or provide its dominant color through the color palette. The plugin will search i2clipart.com and display paginated search results in the form of small thumbnails. When you click a thumbnail, the associated image will be inserted into your TinyMCE editor. Every image comes in four different sizes (64px, 128px, 256px, 512px). Five buttons are displayed under every thumbnail. The first four buttons are labeled (S, M, L, X) describing image size in PNG format. The last button will show a set of thumbnail images having several color variations of the selected thumbnail. All provided images are 100% royalty free public domain clipart images.


  • screenshot-1.png: how the plugin looks like when opens up. You can search for an image by typing the proper keywords or provide its dominant color through the color palette.
  • screenshot-2.png: image dominant color search results.
  • screenshot-3.png: Every image comes in four different sizes (64px, 128px, 256px, 512px).
  • screenshot-4.png: how the image looks like in the TinyMCE editor.
  • screenshot-5.png: image keyword search results.
  • screenshot-6.png: Every image is available in several colors.
  • screenshot-7.png: how image variations look like in the TinyMCE editor.


  1. Download and unzip the plugin
  2. Upload the entire „i2clipart/“ directory to the „/wp-content/plugins/“ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the „Plugins“ menu in WordPress


Can I use these images for commercial purposes?

To the best of our knowledge, all clipart images on i2Clipart.com are in public domain (PD). Images are collected from sources that place them in PD or are uploaded by our users in PD. With PD license, you can copy, modify, use personally or even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Images are provided with absolutely no warranty. Use according to your country or jurisdiction. Please, report any image you may think it is copyrighted. Please, read complete terms of use here http://www.i2clipart.com/terms.

Do I have to attribute or provide a link to i2clipart.com?

No. you do not have to.


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