Disable comments, plugin update emails, theme update emails, and more on your wordpress site. Go to Settings -> HappyWP Options after installing the plugin.
- 100% free wordpress plugin, no paid upgrades!
- Easy configuration
- Disable plugin auto-update Email notification
- Disable theme auto-update Email notification
- Disable Comments
- Disable WordPress admin notices
- Install the plugin through
Plugins -> Add New
or Upload the plugin files to the/wp-content/plugins/happy-wp-options
directory - Activate ‚HappyWP‘ plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ page in WordPress
- Go to ‚Settings -> HappyWP Options‘ to configure settings.
Do you provide plugin support?
Yes, I am happy to provide support for free of cost.
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Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„HappyWP – Disable Comments, Auto-update Emails, and More.“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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- Initial Release
- Bug fixes and improvements