
Plugin Directory

Formaloo Form Maker & Customer Analytics for WordPress & WooCommerce



This plugin has been closed as of 2. Jänner 2025 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 1 Block.

  • Formaloo Form Maker & Customer Analytics for WordPress & WooCommerce


3. Mai 2020
I really enjoyed how easy it is working and embedding my forms everywhere on my Wordpress website! It also has ability to use with both shortcodes and Gutenberg which is awesome!
2. Mai 2020
I love this form-builder. It provides you charts and important data on each of your forms. It’s really simple to use and very helpful for any kind of website. You can even create forms on formaloo.net and use them in your WordPress plugin.
2. Mai 2020
We’re using Formaloo for all of our clients for more than a year now and it is extraordinary. They have very easy form builder that connects with a lot of softwares such as Microsoft Dynamics, Google softwares, hubspot and woocommerce! It is a must have when you work in Enterprise.
2. Mai 2020
Installed it on two websites, works like a charm and sync my data between my websites as well! Daily backup option is amazing!
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