

This plugin has been closed as of 4. Dezember 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.


8. Juni 2018
Folder Gallery does exactly what I need to create a gallery for a large number of photos. What I miss is a download option for the whole gallery. One of these options would be perfect: 1) automatically create a ZIP file from the photos and display a download button for it 2) if a ZIP file is present in the folder, display the download button for it 3) allow for an option in the short code to specify a ZIP file (e.g. in different folder) Best regards Christian
5. April 2018
I used to have similar gallery in my old non-wordpress website. Folder gallery is really useful since WP’s own media handling is so cumbersome.
26. Feber 2018
I have been looking for a gallery plugin based on dropping image files in a folder and the plugin doing the rest. This is perfect!
25. Dezember 2017
The „hard“ part is the manually installation of the lightbox engine. I’m not sure if this step is optional, but I installed all the engines. Anyway, great job.
27. August 2017
This plugin would’ve been awesome if it had the ability to be responsive. Having to set the width to a fix value deters it from being responsive. Some users here hope that it’ll be included in future releases, and I hope it’ll be something like Justified Gallery.
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