Exchange fiat currencies to Satoshi instantly at your rate, keep the profit.
* PayPal Satoshi Exchange – Working example
* Exchanges satoshi to USD automatically.
* Allows to configure the profit based on percentage of official exchange rate and fixed commission.
* Front-end is adaptive, works fine on hand-helds.
- English – included
- Russian – included
- Check with your local law to make sure this activity is legal in your jurisdiction!
- The easiest way is to login to you WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins >> Add New, search for PayPal Satoshi Exchange, and click to install.
You can also download the zip file from this page and upload it from the Plugins >> Add New > Upload page. - Activate the plugin through the WordPress ‚Plugins‘ menu
- Enter Application Key from your account. Test it to make sure you have enough satoshi to exchange.
- Enter your PayPal email.
- Make sure your administrator email is actual. Enter the good one if needed.
We strongly recommend to receive all notifications at least at the beginning. We talking money here. - The rest of options work fine on the default values, but feel free to play. Tune it up for your needs.
- Insert the shortcode to any page you want the Exchange Form to appear.
What is it for ?
Satoshi is crypto-currency, therefore it is money, and some people need satoshi for various things, like
rewarding visitors,
buying goods,
promoting chats and streams, etc.
Now you can sell satoshi for fiat currencies and make profit in the process. -
What does it work ?
Customer chooses the amount of satoshi he/she willing to purchase, enters the deposit email,
associated with account on, and redirected to PayPal to pay.
After the fiat transaction is completed, the agreed satoshi amount is deposited automatically. That’s it. -
Can I sell satoshi to customers who uses not USD, but Euro or Roubles ?
Sure, PayPal will do the conversion for any supported currency.
Who pays the Bitcoin commission ?
Nobody does. The crypto-currency transaction happens via micro-payment system, so it is free. By the way – it is also instant.
Is it profitable ?
Well, at least it is not unprofitable – the plugin checks the official exchange rate and reacts accordingly.
However when you set your exchange rates you have to consider PayPal commission on transactions and on currency exchange (if applicable). -
How profitable it is?
It is always „supply and demand“, so we can’t say.
We only provide ability to sell satoshi for fiat currency at your own rates, the rest is up to you.Sure, PayPal will do the conversion for any supported currency.
What if I sell more satoshi than I have?
It is highly unlikely, but possible. It may happen if more than one person buys the rest of your satoshi simultaneously.
In this case you have to contact the customer and settle the issue by refunding the fiat, or by sending satoshi by other means.
Therefore do not switch too many notifications off, so you will be informed and react in-time.
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V1.0.4 – 15.07.2020
Names of call-back were changed to avoid possible collisions.
V1.0.3 – 13.07.2020
Fixed the blank page happening if user did not configure the plugin.
V1.0.2 – 13.07.2020
Fixed ugly JavaScript timing error.
V1.0.1 – 12.07.2020
Bootstrap compatibility fixed.
V1.0.0 – 12.07.2020
Initial public release.