This plugin has been closed as of 23. Jänner 2025 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.
8. September 2018
Just installed this on WordPress 4.9.8 running on PHP 7.1.20 and it works perfectly. It is just what I have been looking for
17. März 2017
3 replies
Plugin no longer working as of this week. Importation results in error message:
„No product count paramater available from Etsy response. Are there any products available?“
The answer is Yes, there are. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t slam a product that’s been working so well and suddenly stops, BUT, there is absolutely NO SUPPORT for this plugin ANYWHERE. No one to email or message, no support site, nothing. That is an epic fail. Yeah, I know it’s free. So is Woocommerce and google.
3. September 2016
1 reply
downloaded and activated – got message – this page doesn’t have header. then nothing appears in settings. when manually calling settings page – shows message – no sufficient permissions.
so basically cant even make it to run 🙁
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