Essential Social Share makes it really easy at add social media icons to your website, that enables users to share your content on their social media accounts.
Social media currently supported ( Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Linked In, Pintrest )
You can install this plugin in 3 different ways.
1) Upload the contents of this zip folder to your plugins directory via FTP.
2) Upload the plugin via WordPress using the upload plugin feature.
3) Click Plugins -> Add New, search for Essential Social Share, and click install.
4) Go to Settings -> Essential Social Share
5) Check the checkboxes of the social media platforms you would like enabled
6) Click Save Changes
7) Add the shortcode where you would like the icons to appear in the WYSIWYG editor. Alternatively you can add some PHP code to your templates. Both can be found in Settings -> Essential Social Share
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- Fixed isssue for WordPress installed in subdirectory
- Essential Social Share launch