Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Embed SalesVu


Add SalesVu store „widgets“ using the simple [salesvu] Shortcode.

💭 Rationale

WordPress removes <iframe> and <script> HTML tags for a variety of security reasons.

⚠️ HTTP(S)

Important: Your site must be using HTTPS! You cannot embed secure SalesVu store pages into an insecure HTTP website.

👾 Parameters

Embed SalesVu accepts the same parameters as the <iframe> HTML tag (plus some extras!). At a minimum you must supply the src and script parameters, e.g:

[salesvu src="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-url?storeid=000&etc" script="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-script-url/file.js"]

All Parameters:

| Parameter             | Description                                                | Unit   | Example                                                        | Default                                                           |
| --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| src                   | SalesVu Widget Store URL                                   | url    | src="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-url?storeid=000&etc"       | ⚠️ required                                                       |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| script                | SalesVu Widget Script URL                                  | url    | script="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-script-url/file.js"     | ⚠️ required                                                       |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| width                 | Widget width                                               | # (px) | width="500"                                                    | 100%                                                              |
|                       |                                                            | %      | width="50%"                                                    |                                                                   |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| height                | Widget height                                              | # (px) | height="800"                                                   | 800                                                               |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| scrolling             | Allow or disallow scrolling                                | yes    | scrolling="yes"                                                | yes                                                               |
|                       |                                                            | no     | scrolling="no"                                                 |                                                                   |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| frameborder           | Show or hide the iframe border                             | show   | frameborder="1"                                                | 0                                                                 |
|                       |                                                            | hide   | frameborder="0"                                                |                                                                   |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| marginheight          | Height of the widget margin                                | # (px) | marginheight="10"                                              | 0                                                                 |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| marginwidth           | Width of the widget margin                                 | # (px) | marginwidth="10"                                               | 0                                                                 |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| id                    | Add an ID to the iframe                                    | string | id="whatever"                                                  | tvoow                                                             |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| class                 | Add class(es) to the iframe                                | string | class="cheese fork broccoli"                                   |                                                                   |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| style                 | Add CSS styles to the iframe                               | string | style="margin: 30px; padding: 20px;"                           | "border: none; overflow: visible; width: 100%; background: #FFF;" |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| same_height_as        | Set the height of the iframe to the same as target element | class  | same_height_as="div.sidebar"                                   | false                                                             |
|                       |                                                            | id     | same_height_as="div#content"                                   |                                                                   |
|                       |                                                            | tag    | same_height_as="main"                                          |                                                                   |
|                       |                                                            | false  | same_height_as="false"                                         |                                                                   |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| any_other_param       | Add an arbitrary HTML parameter(s) to the iframe           | string | any_other_param="any_value"                                    |                                                                   |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |
| any_other_empty_param | Add an "empty" HTML parameter(s) to the iframe             | string | any_other_empty_param="allowfullscreen"                        |                                                                   |
| _____________________ | __________________________________________________________ | ______ | ______________________________________________________________ | _________________________________________________________________ |


  1. Install and Activate the Plugin on the Plugins Admin page
  2. Add shortcode [salesvu src="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-url?storeid=000&etc=etc" script="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-script-url/file.js"] to page or post content


10. Oktober 2020
Does what it says on the tin! Seamless set up and use. We use it on a Multisite install with 23+ sub-sites and thousands of pageviews without issue.
Lies alle 1 Rezension

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  • Docs: Fixed readme parameters table


  • Docs: Add installation instructions and changelog to README
  • Docs: Added Parameters and HTTPS warning to README
  • Cleanup: Remove unsupported allowtransparency tag from parameters
  • Bugfix: Allow both ID & Classes in same_height_as
  • Improvements: Increase default height to 800px


  • Initial Release