Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Easy Tynt


Easily install and configure Tynt Insight for your WordPress Blog. Leverage the benefit of copy/paste, learn what is being copied off your blog, and learn how to leverage this behavior into more traffic, higher search rank and more. See www.tynt.com for information on Tynt Insight.

If you like Easy Tynt, please visit it on WordPress.org’s Plugin Area and rate it.

Want to send your feedback or error reports about Easy Tynt? Fill out this form.

Planned Features and Changes

  • Adding the ability to disable all Tynt Insight code on specific pages, on specific posts, or when a specific post is shown (in a list or otherwise).
  • Adding support for each author having their own Tynt Insight tracker code setup and used on pages/posts they authored.
  • Incorporating user feedback, as always.
  • Improvements to the administration and settings area.
  • Screencast documentation on setup, installing, uninstalling and using Easy Tynt for WordPress.


Manual Installation:

  1. Upload easy-tynt.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  3. Click on the Easy Tynt settings link in your WordPress admin to configure Easy Tynt. Easy Tynt will not work until this is completed.
  4. Visit www.tynt.com and log in or register a new account.
  5. Chose the options you are interested in. I suggest looking at the Attribution Link, Address bar, and possibly the Link Sponsorship options.
  6. Once everything is setup to your satisfaction, copy the provided „YOUR SCRIPT“ code into the Easy Tynt settings in WordPress. Hit „Update Options“ and you are done!

To remove Easy Tynt:

  1. Disable the plugin using the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  2. Click the delete link found next to Easy Tynt in the WordPress ‚Plugins‘ menu.
  3. The related files and wp_options will be removed.


What is Tynt Insight?

Visit www.tynt.com for information Tynt Insight.

How can I submit feedback or error reports?

Fill out the form on this page.


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  • Useless version bump.


  • I am hearing reports that the latest update for Easy Tynt may have issues with old versions of the Tynt Insight code. If you have found that you updated and thing suddenly stopped working then I would suggest getting the latest Tynt code from the Tynt site.
  • I will continue to monitor the situation for problems. If updating your Tynt code does not resolve your problems please contact me and give me the URL to your site as well as any errors you got.


  • Minor tweaks for improved compatability with the latest changes to Tynt Insight aysnc code.
  • Prior versions will continue to work just fine, but this change may lead to slight performance improvements, especially on large pages.


  • Updated to show compatibility with wordpress 3.0.1+


  • Various cleanup on the readme.txt file.


  • Tynt Insight will now be installed by copy pasting the code provided by Tynt Insight’s „Link Setup“ Page, located at https://tcr1.tynt.com/account/log_in
  • This will add support for all of Tynt Insight’s features without the need for extensive time remaking their interface. It should also be easier for new users to get started with.
  • Easy Tynt settings will no longer be erased when deactivating or upgrading the plugin. However, you must now use the WordPress plugin delete link to fully uninstall Easy Tynt.


  • This is the first version of the Easy Tynt plugin. Whilst fully functional, the administration area needs improvements.