Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Easy Chat Button


Easy Chat Button is a simple and lightweight plugin that allows you to add a WhatsApp button to your website. It enables visitors to contact you directly via WhatsApp for quick and easy communication.


  1. Go to the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on „Settings“ and select „Easy Chat Button“.
  3. Enter your WhatsApp phone number in the designated field.
  4. Optionally, set a default message for the WhatsApp conversation.
  5. Adjust the button size using the provided option.
  6. Save your changes.


The WhatsApp button will be displayed automatically on your website once you activate the „Easy Chat Button“ plugin. No additional shortcode is required.


If you need assistance or have any questions or suggestions, please visit our support forum at [https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/easy-chat-button/.


We welcome contributions to improve Easy Chat Button. If you would like to contribute, please visit our GitHub repository at https://github.com/mxideas/Easy-Chat-Button-Wordpress.git


  • Author: Fontawesome
  • Icon made by Fontawesome from https://fontawesome.com/


  • Easy Chat Button requires WordPress 5.0 or higher.
  • This plugin is compatible up to WordPress 5.8.


  1. Upload the „easy-chat-button“ folder to the „/wp-content/plugins/“ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to the plugin settings page and enter your WhatsApp phone number and default message.
  4. Customize the button size and appearance according to your preferences.
  5. The WhatsApp button will be displayed automatically on your website once you activate the „Easy WhatsApp Button“ plugin. No additional shortcode is required.


Q: Can I customize the appearance of the WhatsApp button?
A: Yes, you can customize the button size using the provided option in the plugin settings.

Q: Can I use this plugin on multiple websites?
A: Yes, you can use the Easy Chat Button plugin on multiple WordPress websites.


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