Dynamic Widget Content


The widget will only show if you have set some content for it on the current page. Perfect for creating dynamic widgets that only appear when you need it. Works with any custom post type as well and you can use shortcodes in the widget content!

Usage examples:

  • Post summaries
  • Positive and negative points for reviews
  • Index with links for long pages
  • Call to action links

Let us know what you think! Any feedback is welcome.


  • Start by adding our widget to your website
  • Add widget content to any of your pages or posts
  • The widget will show up for that page/post only
  • A few settings are available for your convenience


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 3 Blöcke.

  • Widget
  • Widget
  • Widget


  1. Upload the dynamic-widget-content directory (directory included) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Add the ‚Dynamic Widget Content‘ widget
  4. Add content in the ‚Dynamic Widget Content‘ meta box for posts or pages


Who made this?

Bootstrapped Ventures


16. Feber 2023
We are using Dynamic Widget Content plugin to replace a different discontinued plugin that had security vulnerabilities. This Dynamic Widget Content plugin is lightweight and much easier to use then the plugin it replaced. Highly flexible, maintained and recommended!
24. September 2020
Very useful
5. Feber 2019 1 reply
This is a great little plugin! By default WP is rather rigid and treats post/page content and widget content as unrelated content blocks, offering no way of simply adding content to a widget area from within the post/page editor page itself, and only relevant to that particular post/page. As a workaround I usually create some content blocks in Advanced Custom Fields, take their shortcodes and put those in text widgets, adding show conditions using widget logic. Rather cumbersome, but it works. Your plugin relieves me of all that and just offers exactly what I need: a simple way for me and my clients to add a content block into a widget area. Super!! The only requests I have is being able to use more than just 3 blocks, and to be able to add a title to the widgets (only for backend ease of use, not to be shown on the frontend).
3. September 2016 1 reply
Love this plugin 🙂 Only downside is that you cannot use it in more than one „place“.
Lies alle 7 Rezensionen

Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Dynamic Widget Content“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:




  • Fix: PHP 8.2 deprecations


  • Fix: PHP 8 deprecation warnings
  • Fix: Gutenberg deprecations


  • Fix: Settings page WordPress 5.5 compatibility


  • Fix: Gutenberg 3.9 compatibility


  • Fix: Gutenberg 3.3 compatibility


  • Fix: Gutenberg 2.7 compatibility


  • Feature: Gutenberg compatible, including new blocks
  • Improvement: Update VafPress library
  • Fix: Prevent PHP 7 deprecated warning


  • Fix: PHP 7 compatibility


  • Bootstrapped Venture Giveaway


  • Feature: Enable up to 3 dynamic widgets in the settings. Useful for multiple sidebars, for example.


  • Feature: Ability to set a default title and content (leave blank to hide)


  • Added a basic settings page
  • New ‚dwc_widget_output‘ plugin hook to alter the output with code


  • Very first version of this plugin