Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Drive Folder Embedder


A WordPress plugin that dynamically creates a table with file names and links for a shared Google Drive folder.


  • All plugin functionality is accessed through shortcodes in the format „[DriveFolderEmbedder]“. Shortcode options are outlined below.
    • FolderID (required): The ID of the shared Google Drive folder from which to pull files.
      • To get your folder ID:
        • Share the folder in Google Drive with a public shared link (see the „Anyone with a link to the folder“ section of https://support.google.com/drive/answer/7166529).
        • Your folder ID is part of the shared link created above above (link is in the format https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/[ID HERE]?usp=sharing).
    • Sort: How to sort the file table. All sorting is done based on file names.
      • Options: „ASC“, „ASC_Natural“, „DESC“, „DESC_Natural“
      • If „Sort“ is not specified, the „DESC“ option is used (default in Google Drive).
    • ShowHeader: Whether or not to show a table header specifying column names.
      • Options: „True“ or „False“.
      • If „ShowHeaders“ is not specified, defaults to „True“.
    • TableCSSClass: Allows for a CSS class name to be entered to define table style.
      • Can contain one or more class names separated by a space.
      • No class is set for the table if this value is not provided.
  • Shortcode examples:
    • Basic table generation: [DriveFolderEmbedder FolderID="123456789"]
    • Table generation with „Sort“, „ShowHeader“, and „TableCSSClass“ specified: [DriveFolderEmbedder FolderID="123456789" Sort="DESC_Natural" ShowHeader="False" TableCSSClass="some-class-name"]


  • Option 1: Download the plugin zip directly from the WordPress plugin repository here (https://wordpress.org/plugins/drive-folder-embeder/). You can then upload the zip file to the „plugins“ directory of your WordPress installation and activate it from the plugin menu.
  • Option 2: Select „Add New“ from under „Plugins“ on the left sidebar of the WordPress admin dashboard and then search for „Drive Folder Embedder“ in the search field.
  • Following installation, the plugin must be activated from the „Plugins“ page on the WordPress admin dashboard.


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