Disable Services Manager is the most powerful plugin for stopping or disabling unnecessary services on your WordPress site. It protects your site from online security threats and spammers, and improves website security.
- Disable Comments
- Disable Emails
- Disable WordPress Updates
- Disable Widgets
- Disable Fatal Error Emails
- Disable Right Click on Entire Website
- Disable XML-RPC Pingback
- Disable REST API
- Disable XML-RPC
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- You will find Disable Services Manager in your WordPress admin screen.
Can I selectively disable specific services
Yes, the plugin allows you to individually toggle each service on or off according to your preferences. You have the flexibility to disable only the services you want while leaving others unaffected.
Where can I get support or report issues with the plugin?
For support and reporting issues, you can email us on
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- compatible with WordPress 6.5
- Initial Release