Directorist – WPML Integration


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Want to make your directory multi-lingual and gain multinational exposure? Using Directorist WPML Integration you can build multilingual directory sites more conveniently by switching your directory website from one language to another. The plugin connects Directorist and WPML together and makes a room for you to bring users from different parts of the World with different languages without even writing a single line of code.

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WPML provides you with an easy-to-use interface for professional content translation. This makes the whole process of translation more convenient and affordable. Allowing you to create listings in many different languages to captivate international users and improve site traffic.


The following plugins must be installed in order to translate.

  1. WPML Multilingual CMS – (Paid)
  2. Directorist – WordPress Business Directory Plugin with Classified Ads Listings (Free)
  3. Directorist – WPML Integration plugin (Free)

Recommended (Not Required):

  1. WPML Translation Management
  2. WPML Media
  3. WPML String Translation


  • Create or translate directory listings to multiple languages
  • Translate directory taxonomies; categories and locations into multiple languages
  • Make your all listings/archive page multi-lingual
  • Make Directorist dashboard multi-lingual
  • Create directory type translation in one click.
  • Translate strings in the settings panel.
  • Make email templates multi-lingual.

Contribute to Directorist – WPML Integration

If you want to contribute to the project, you’re most welcome to make it happen. The full source code is available on GitHub. If you find anything improbable, feel free to shoot a bug report.


2.0.0 – Nov 17, 2024

  • Added: Directorist compatibility


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly, or search for QuickPost in the Block Library.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress if installed manually or through the WordPress plugins screen.
  3. Use the Add New button in the Block Editor toolbar when needed.


7. Juli 2022 1 reply
The salary in Brazil is humiliating compared to Europe, the USA and others. The salary being lower and everything being 6x more expensive to buy compared to elite nations, the government of Brazil still charges an IOF tax, which is an absurd amount, completely bizarre. How can we do the translations in normal mode, and affordable cost and efficiently? Developers could evaluate the strings and facilitate the translation. Evaluate these possibilities. ——- O sálario no Brasil é humilhante perto da Europa, dos EUA entre outros. Sendo inferior o salário e ainda tudo 6x mais caro para comprar em comparação as nações de elite, ainda o governo do Brasil cobra taxa, de imposto IOF que é um absurdo o valor, completamente bizarro. Como podemos fazer as traduções em modo normal e com eficiência e custo acessível? Os desenvolvedores poderiam avaliar os strings e facilitar a tradução. Avaliem essas possibilidades.`
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