This is a simple pluging using the custom post types for a googlemap. You can use it in posts and pages after creating some googlemaps. Or use the googlemap template for an archive.
- Just install the plugin, a custom googlemap post type will be added on the side
- Add some googlemaps on the new googlemap tab
- Add the googlemap codes in a post as you like. Useage below.
- check your site and watch the glory
- In the settings you can also choose a page for the overview googlemap. Choose a base post type for the googlemaps. Add supports for extra post types, these will be included in the overview map.
Usage in a post. Use the custom post id of a googlemap post and add this in codes like these: [dimme-googlemaps=123]
and it will parse.
- If you have any questions or tips
Please post them on the forum, so i can read idea`s and upgrade the plugin with useful things
Check the settings on the settings tab for options. You can add maps to posts, select a custom page or just create a page for the archive.
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- added support for icons with apply_filters(‚dimme_googlemap_icon_types‘, $types);
- Cleaned up files.
- Moved files in to classes
- Minor update. Checkeded up to wordpress 4.3.1
- Minor update. Checkeded up to wordpress 4.0. Moved the images and added an icon and image
- changed the javascript to an easier googlemap plugin with autoloading
- updated the loader so you have to have a page with a page id for use
- easier intergration
- added a custom post type for googlemaps
- changed the page format so the page had the map
- changed the single with a direction services
- added possibility for default post types to support the googlemap plugin on single pages
- search for addresses in the admin page
- created the plugin