Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Decoupled Preview


This plugin intends to provide a single home for preview on a variety of decoupled front-ends. Can be used with the Decoupled Kit Next.js WordPress Starter for pre-configured examples for post and page content.


  • Preview while editing a Post/Page.
  • Configure multiple preview sites.
  • Specify the post types (Post and Pages) that each preview site applies to.


In the WordPress Admin Dashboard, navigate to Settings -> Preview Sites, add one or more preview sites, and configure the following:

  • Label: The name of the site.
  • URL: The URL of the decoupled site you are providing preview data to.
  • Secret: A token that will be passed to your decoupled site used to limit access to the preview.
  • Preview Type: The type of preview site – currently only NextJS is supported.
  • Content Types: The post types (like Post and Page) that this preview site applies to.

For more information on how preview data can be consumed on your front-end site, see implementing decoupled preview.


To install Decoupled Preview, follow these steps:

  • Install the plugin from WordPress.org using the WordPress dashboard.
  • Activate the plugin.

To install Decoupled Preview in one line with WP-CLI:

wp plugin install decoupled-preview --activate

Additional information on configuring the plugin can be found in the configuration section of the project details.


What type of content can be previewed?

While we hope to expand in the future, the initial release of this plugin only supports NextJS. It was developed in support of Pantheon’s Next WordPress Starter, but can be applied to other NextJS sites using a similar approach.

Does this plugin support the classic editor?

This plugin currently only supports the block editor.


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1.0.6 May 2, 2024

  • Updates Pantheon WP Coding Standards to 2.0 [#63]
  • Fixes an issue with broken activation and deactivation hooks


  • Preview Button Regression in WordPress 6.3. [#58]


  • Improve Handling of secrets field. [#53]
  • Move set default preview site functionality to wp-pantheon-decoupled. [#54]


  • Bugfix for cases where Decoupled Preview link did not load due to a js error. [#43]


  • Bugfix that prevented posts that didn’t have a revision from being previewed.[#39].


  • Update plugin slug for automated releases to wp.org [#26].


  • Bugfixes and refactoring.


  • Initial release