Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Custom Menu Icons


The Easiest way to add icons to your menu items.

Over 3000+ icons available from Font Awesome, Material Design and Dashicons.

  1. Go to Appearnce > Menus
  2. Select a Menu
  3. Expand the Menu Item Dropdown
  4. Select Icon for your Menu Item from Font Awesome, Dashicons or Material Design Icons.
  5. Save your changes
  6. Congratulations, you have successfully added icons to your menu item.

Add menu icons, customize the icon size and the vertical position of your menu icons in just one go!


  • Easily search and add the icon that you want!
  • Select an icon from your choice of icon library!
  • Now, You have amazing icons in your Navigation Menu!


  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Visit Plugins > Add New
  3. Search for Custom Menu Icons
  4. Install and Activate


Is Menu Icons Free

Yes, Menu Icons is 100% Free and always will be.

How do I add Icon to my menu item

  1. Go to Appearnce > Menus
  2. Select a Menu
  3. Expand the Menu Item Dropdown
  4. Select Icon for your Menu Item from Font Awesome, Dashicons or Material Design Icons.
  5. Save your changes
  6. Congratulations, you have successfully added icons to your menu item.

How can i adjust the icon size and postion

You can adjust the icon size and the vertical position of the icon from the dropdown section in menu item.


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