Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Current Year Date Shortcode


**Current Year Date* lets you insert the current year, month and day anywhere in your WordPress site with a simple shortcode.

Use the shortcode [cyds_Year] in any post, page or widget to display the current year.

How it works

[cyds_current_date] – inserts the current dynamic date values e.g. 2024-02-09
[cyds_current_date format=“d/m/Y“] – inserts the current dynamic date values with custom format e.g. 23-02-2024
[cyds_Year] – inserts the current year with four digits e.g. 2023
[cyds_year] – inserts the current year with two digits e.g. 23
[cyds_Month] – inserts the current month with two digits e.g. 01
[cyds_month] – inserts the current month without leading zeros e.g. 1
[cyds_month_textual] – inserts the current month as a text e.g. January
[cyds_month_textual_short] – inserts the current month with three letters e.g. Jan
[cyds_Day] – inserts the current day with two digits e.g. 06
[cyds_day] – inserts the current day without leading zeros e.g. 6
[cyds_day_textual_short] – inserts the current day with three letters e.g. Mon
[cyds_day_textual] – inserts the current day as a text e.g. Monday
[cyds_time color=“#000″] – inserts the current time e.g. 16:58:00
[cyds_show_user_ip] – insert the current user ip e.g. 179.23.45.
[cyds_c] – Retrive © symbol
[cyds_cc] – Retrive Copyright
[cyds_registered_trademark] – Retrieve ® symbol
[cyds_trademark] – Retrieve ™ symbol
[cyds_servicemark_trademark] – Retrieve ℠ symbol


16. April 2024
The ‚Current Year Date‘ WordPress plugin is a game-changer for web administrators looking to keep their content fresh and precise. By automating the process of updating the current year dynamically, it empowers content creators to focus on what matters most: delivering accurate and relevant information to their audience, without the hassle of manual adjustments.
16. April 2024
The „Current Year Date“ WordPress plugin is a lifesaver for anyone managing websites that require dynamic updating of the current year in their content. As a content creator, maintaining accuracy and relevance is paramount, and this plugin simplifies that process effortlessly.
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„Current Year Date Shortcode“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:




  • Initial Release