Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.



Cuberg – The Next Generation of Gutenberg Blocks, Templates and Patterns

Note: The beta version is an experimental release and we do not recommend it to use on the production website. You are welcome to test it, make suggestions to improve it, and report the bugs.

Cuberg is a next generation Gutenberg block plugin which helps you to design beautiful and highly responsive websites.

For the moment, it has 3 blocks Row, Advace Text and Button Group Blocks with advanced capabilities. As it is the second beta, we will keep adding more features and Gutenberg blocks in it in the upcoming releases.

What’s in this release?

  1. Fix issues from Beta 1
  2. Added missing features from Beta 1
  3. Added Global Options to control colors and typography from a single place.
  4. Added block control panel so you can enable or disable the block you need.
  5. Added 2 new blocks, Buttons Block and Advanced text block.

What’s in the upcoming release?

  1. Fix issues from Beta 2
  2. Add missing features from Beta 2
  3. Add 3 new blocks, Accordion block, Tab block and Blockquote block



Dieses Plugin unterstützt 6 Blöcke.

  • Button
  • Button Group
  • Test Block
  • Advance Text
  • Row Block
  • Column Block


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