CSS-JS-Booster is a PHP-script that tries to automate as many performance
optimizing steps related to CSS and JS embedding as possible.
Depending on the amount of CSS, CSS-images and JS, this can significantly
increase loading speed of your site.
Note: Check by hand the htaccess-part! (see „Installation“)
For CSS optimization steps are:
- combine multiple CSS-files resulting in less HTTP-requests
- Optimize and minify CSS with CSSTidy
- Embed any CSS-images smaller 24KB as data-URI or MHTML (for IE <= 7)
- GZIP-compress the resulting CSS
- Have browsers cache the result as long as it remains unchanged
- If IE6: Issue a JS-command to fix background image caching behaviour
For JS optimization steps are:
- Fetch JS from external servers and cache it locally
- Combine multiple JS-files resulting in HTTP-requests going down
- GZIP-compress the resulting JS
- Have browsers cache the result as long as it remains unchanged
Please send bug reports this way:
When creating a new issue:
- Make sure that you mention in the title that you are talking about the WordPress plugin (as there is a standalone version, too), e.g.: „[WP] Booster killed my site“
- Make sure that you send me a link to your page
- Tell me what exactly is broken
- It helps if you put the HTML source code of your page resulting from activated Booster on and include a link to it
- It helps if you put the HTML source code of your page resulting from deactivated Booster on and include a link to it
- It helps if you tell me which plugins are active
CSS-JS-Booster absolutely requires PHP 5. No PHP 4, sorry…
Version-wise it is tested up until PHP 5.3.
- Copy the whole
-folder intowp-content/plugins/
- If not already there: create a subfolder named
and CHMOD it to 0777 (give it write-permissions) - Go into the admin-panel to the plugins and activate
- Check if the contents of the file
were put into/appended to the .htaccess-file in the root of your WordPress-site. If not append them by hand.
Compatibility with other plugins
CSS-JS-Booster may in rare cases break some other plugins.
I noticed for example that plugins trying to calculate file-paths based on the src-attribute of the script-tag break.
So you need to check yourself.
If your site has many visitors, we suggest that you combine CSS-JS-Booster with WP-Super-Cache.
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Mitwirkende & Entwickler
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