Do you need to show or hide some of your content blocks to one or more users? The specific users add-on for Content Visibility lets you do just that.
Want to preview a change on an already-live page that only you can see? Make the new block only shown to you and the old block NOT shown to you.
Does your colleague need to see a change before it’s approved? Uh huh!
Want to leave yourself a note that only you should see? You got it.
Want to show a form for one specific person so only they can fill it in? Yup.
Hide or show any block for any specific user or users.
Development is mostly done on github and releases are made there and here to the WordPress plugins directory.
What’s with the logo?
It’s a chameleon. A cool little creature which can change the way it appears – to make itself more or less visible. Seemed appropriate! Also, your suspicions are correct; a designer, I am not.
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- WP 6.1.1 compatibility.
- Fixed warning on Widgets screen.
- First public release.