Plugin sends Contact Form 7 (first name, last name, email, phone) to Mailchimp Audience.
- Go to „Credentials to API mailchimp“ tab, enter API key, press save.
- Go to „Audience list“ tab, copy CF7 short code.
- Go to CF7 form editor, paste it at the bottom form.
- Send your test entry to mailchimp.
- Plugin Setup page: „Settings“ – „mailchimp“
Map contact form 7 fields:
- Contact form 7 must have field: [usr_email]. Optional fields: [usr_fname] [usr_lname] [usr_phone].
- Contact form 7 short code, with Audience ID [hidden wm_mchp_cf7_audience_id default:“1234567″]
A brief Markdown Example
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- First version.