Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Contact Blaster


Simplest contact forms ever. Two easy ways to use:

  1. Click the „Insert Contact Form“ button above the Post & Page editor. Then edit the link to add your own email/Squaresend address
  2. Or the plugin detects & auto-converts mailto: links on any Page, Post or widget into a clean, formatted contact form, thanks to the SquareSend.com API

To get started, signup on www.squaresend.com, register an email address on Squaresend, and use that email address in a mailto: link on your site. There is no wp-admin page or Option Setup for this plugin. It’s that simple

* Use WordPress‘ antispambot() method to prevent your emails from being harvested by spammers. In your template HTML: mailto:
* Add titles, labels and placeholder text to the form your users see with Squaresend’s Querystring settings. For example: Customize the title of the form & email ‚Contact


  • The default contact form with this plugin enabled. Just add a mailto:john.doe@example.com link to any Post or Page … and the form automagically builds itself!


  1. Make sure you have an account & registered email address on Squaresend.com
  2. Upload the contact-blaster folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress — Note, there is no wp-admin page for this plugin. It’s that simple
  4. Use the „Insert Contact Form“ button or create a mailto link on a public page using the same email address you registered at Squaresend, like: „mailto:email@example.com“


Do I need a SquareSend account?

Yes, you need an account and a registered email address on SquareSend for this plugin to be able to send messages.

Why isn’t the contact form working?

The mailto: link must use the same email address that you activated on SquareSend or the form will not activate.


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  • Add an above-editor button to auto-gen mailto: links


  • Initial plugin, basic Suqaresend enabled, no config options or admin-page