This plugin allows for you hide your Divi website that you are busy working on, by setting a Divi layout from your library as a coming soon page, so that you may work on your website in private.
Where do I find the Divi Soon Settings?
You can find the Divi Soon settings under Divi menu item, there is a sub-menu item called Divi Soon.
by clicking it the WordPress customizer will open the Divi Soon Panel -
How to turn on the coming soon page?
Once you’ve opened the settings, you will see a option called „Enable Divi Soon“
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„Coming Soon With Divi Soon“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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- WP repository update.
- Redeveloped for the WordPress repository.
- Fix upload error where SVN didn’t sync certain files.
- Fullscreen CSS error fixed.