Code Snippets in Comments plugin extends the Comments function by show code in highlighting without modifying the saving of comments in database.
By default Code Snippets in Comments plugin using Prism JavaScript Library as the code highlighter for its fast and light property.
Code Snippets in Comments plugin also support with two famous plugins, Prismatic and Code Syntax Block, automatically set the code highlighter with these two plugin setting.
And I suggest just using one of these code highlighter plugin.
One more function is that Code Snippets in Comments plugin add a new code input bar below comment textarea box, let visitor type their code with problem more easier.
Primary development and issues tracked on Github at:
After activating the plugin, you will see the comments aread with new-added code input button bar let visitor more easier type thier problem with code.
After publishing these comments, you can see the code with highlighting at front-end.
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Initial WordPress Plugin Repository releases, include upgrade Prism to 1.16.0 and new default One Dark theme.