Christmas Decorations
- Decorate your site now.
- Snow fall for your site, lightweight and easy to use.
- Christmas countdown.
- With snow fall show on all pages of your site.
- Christmas countdown will show in bottom bar on all pages of your sites.
- Very easy to use.
- Extremely lightweight.
„Compatible with all major browsers, well tested with ie10“
Please don’t forget to provide me five star rating.
Arbitrary section
- There are mainly two feature in this plugin.
- Christmas countdown.
- Snow fall.
- Put Christmas_Decorations folder in your plugin directory of your wordpress.
or - Install it throw admin area,wordpress admin panel.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Christmas Decorations“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„Christmas Decorations“ wurde in 1 Sprache übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
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= 01.04.01=
* Release Date – 11 Nov, 2021*.
* Add more then 3 style of snow fall .= 01.01.02=
* Release Date – 04 Aug, 2016*.
* Design Updates .
= 01.01.01=
* Release Date – 10 Jan, 2016*.
* Edit few text in detail.
= 01.01.00=
* Release Date – 10 Jan, 2016*.
* Solve the big design bug.
= 01.0.03=
* This version fixes a snowfall JS issues.
= 01.0.02=
* This version fixes a css issues.
= 01.0.00=
* Christmas Decorations plugin ready to use.