Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Child Theme Wizard


The Child Theme Wizard lets you create a new child theme without the need for additional tools, right from within the WordPress admin interface. Once activated you can find it under Tools – Child Theme Wizard.

Specify a parent theme, customise options such as title and description and click Create Child Theme. Upon success you will find your new theme under Appearance – Themes.

You have the option to include GPL License Terms if you wish. The Wizard will automatically create a thumbnail too. In future versions I may include an image uploader for this feature.

To find out more about Child Themes and why they are important please read https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes


  • create a Child Theme with just one click
  • the wizard was successful
  • you also get a nice thumbnail with your new child theme


  1. Either: Upload the entire folder child-theme-wizard to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Or: download the ZIP file, then head over to Plugins – Add New – Install, then browse to your file
  3. Or: from Plugins – Add New, search for „child theme wizard“, to find this plugin and hit „install“
  4. Then: Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  5. You can find it under Tools – Child Theme Wizard


2. September 2023 1 reply
Two websites with wordpress 6.3 and no problems at all.. Very impressive this child theme is truly a wizard… it is responsive, all my menus were in place links, pictures, sliders and videos.. Thank you
5. Juli 2021
I actually installed another plugin before this one. I wanted to check theme overrides on a VPS (Dreamhost) install. This worked, the other plugin did not! It was simple to use, although if a link to the page to generate could be placed on the plugin listing page, that’d be fantastic. One other minor comment, is that I feel all themes should be lower-case and it generated an uppercase folder… wp-content/themes/Twenty-Twenty-Child Really every theme should have this built-in, it’s a great utility and saves a lot of boilerplate generation.
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  • defined the preivously undefined variable $parent_style (thanks, Marcin!)
  • updated links to WordPress Dev Docs


  • tested compatibility with WordPress 5.1
  • updated link to Codex
  • added version query as suggested in Codex as of 2019


  • corrected a spelling mistake (thanks, Cory!)


  • the parent theme is now queued via functions.php


  • Initial Release