The easy way to add your Bloglovin Button to your WordPress blog.
This widget will display any of the official Bloglovin widgets. You don’t need to copy and paste any code, just select the button you’d like and you’re good to go.
You can also add your Bloglovin button anywhere you like by using the shortcode [bloglovin_button]. See the FAQ below for more information on this.
We’ll update this widget whenever Bloglovin‘ releases new layouts/options for their buttons. Once installed, you can switch between the different button styles whenever you like.
This free plugin was developed by pipdig. Please use the support forum if you have any questions.
- Go to the „Plugins > Add New“ page in your WordPress dashboard.
- Search for „Bloglovin“ – install and activate this plugin.
- Go to ‚Appearance > Widgets‘ in your dashboard and add the widget called „Bloglovin‘ Button“.
- Copy the link to your Bloglovin profile into the widget options.
Do I need to log in to Bloglovin‘ or enter my username/password?
Nope! This plugin won’t request any details other than a link to your blog’s profile on Bloglovin‘. You do not need to log in or give any private information.
Once you have added your widget, you can then use the shortcode [bloglovin_button] to display it on any post/page. A common use for this would be to add the shortcode to the end of your posts so that people can easily follow after reading.
You can also embed the email signup form in any post/page by using the shortcode [bloglovin_button email=“true“].
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- Update Bloglovin widget scripts.
- WordPress 5.6 compatibility.