Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

BharatX Pay In 3


BharatX Pay in 3 is a white-labeled Pay in 3 parts plugin
which allows your customers to split their payments into
3 parts, one tap, with any documentation.
The user gets access to “Buy now pay later”, and has to
pay 1/3rd of the amount at the time of placing the order
and the rest after 30 days and 60 days, with no extra charge.
The payment gateway would be a standalone feature at the checkout
page and can be customised as per your needs.
For example, it can also be called “YourBrandName Pay in 3″,
helping you to build/strengthen your brand name further,
and building customers trust and engagement with your website.
After the customer chooses Pay in 3 on the checkout page,
the customer goes through a one minute sign-in process via
a popup and after the payment is completed, is redirected
to the payment confirmation page, making it a seamless
process with low drop-off due to the ease of the flow.

Key Features

  • Integrate a white-labelled Pay in 3 feature at the checkout page
  • Allow customers to pay in 3 easy instalments
  • Includes a widget at the product page displaying the Pay in 3- features.
  • 0 Documentation, no hidden fees and charges
  • 1 minute hassle-free seamless setup
  • Works like a payment gateway. Integrate it like a payment gateway. Receive funds like a payment gateway on T+1, with no business risk.


Automatic installation

  1. Log into your WordPress admin
  2. Click Plugins
  3. Click Add New
  4. Search for BharatX Pay In 3 Feature
  5. Click Install Now under „BharatX Pay In 3 Feature“
  6. Activate the plugin

Manual installation

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file
  3. Upload the contents of the zip file to the wp-content/plugins/ folder of your WordPress installation
  4. Activate the Code Snippets plugin from ‚Plugins‘ page


Do you have any credentials using which I can test your product out?

For testing purposes you can enter the following testing credentials made up of your API key and secret key.

Merchant Partner Id: testPartnerId
Merchant Private Key: testPrivateKey

What happens if I transact with test credentials?

All successfull transactions with the testing credentials will be refunded within 24hrs.
You can get support for this by mailing us at contact@bharatx.tech.

I have checked the product out. I want to go live with it. How do I do that?

That’s amazing! Welcome to the BharatX family. We just need a few details from you to go live.
You can email jainam@bharatx.tech to get you sorted within 2 working hours.


11. November 2022
I had a great experience setting up the plugin along with the support received during the same.
2. November 2022
I have my own store, and this plugin by BharatX has helped many of my customers to opt for splitting their payments into three instalments. I have seen a rise in incoming orders because of this
2. November 2022
Amazing for any business looking to boost their revenue and growth figures, new or old.
Lies alle 5 Rezensionen

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  • Security and UI enhancements


  • Initial Release


  • Fixes Price Text on product pages and updated credential setting UI


  • Fixed multiple price text on pages


  • Added Feature : Exclude Payment Gateway For Specific Product Ids


  • Added Webhook Feature for Payment Confirmation


  • Added Refund Payment Feature


  • Fix: Occassionaly the payment method would result in ‚Sorry, there was a problem with your payment‘ error


  • Feat: auto choose pay in 3 option at checkout
  • Fix: logo size standardization
  • Feat: more descriptive payment gateway description
  • Fix: phone number validation happens for all payment gateways


  • Fix: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()


  • Fix: autoselect.js missing in public directory


  • Fix: action in checkout page was causing infinite loading in checkout page at some instances. Fixed by switching to a filter.


  • Fix: Messaging strings and gateway enablement based on partner limit configurations.


  • Fix: Plugin breaks admin panel


  • Feat: allow PDP logo override


  • Fix: security bugs
  • Feat: skipped receipt page before redirecting to BharatX flow
  • Better logs for debugging purposes


  • Feat: support for V2 BharatX APIs
  • Better logs for refund requests


  • Feat: Supporting Partial cod payments