AWEOS Dashboard Note


With AWEOS Dashboard Note you can leave notes for people that need to be informed.

You can warn other team members and instruct them on your site directly inside the admin dashboard.

After the installation you will find the options of the plugin categorized under „settings“. Within the options you can type in a title and text of the note in two separate fields.

This plugin was developed by the advertising agency AWEOS.

Imprint (German):


  • The appearance of the created note
  • An overview of the options page and the different text styles that are possible


Is it possible to create a list with the plugin?

It is easily possible and the button for it is besides the other ones that change the style.

Is it possible to create headers?

It is feasible and you will find the button for it beside the other ones that change the style.


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Mitwirkende & Entwickler

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Version 2.2
Initial Version