Automatic Gallery And Featured Image Sync


Automatically sync posts and media images as featured image and gallery.

Images with names are given as ID:

  • Automatic syncing as featured image to posts
  • Automatic syncing as featured image to pages
  • Automatic syncing as featured image to WooCommerce products
  • Automatic syncing as gallery images to WooCommerce products

Images named as product SKU (Pro):

  • Automatic syncing as featured image to WooCommerce products
  • Automatic syncing as gallery images to WooCommerce products

And many more features.

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If you need template customization, optimization or custom software development service, please contact me.


  • (ID)-(sequence).(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)
  • Automatically assign featured images and gallery images


  1. Add the plugin’s folder in the WordPress‘ plugin directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly..
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress.


  1. Go to „Tools“ -> „Sync image“
  2. Select the articles you want to process from the list
  3. Select and apply the action.


How can I get Pro version?

Please use contact form


18. Dezember 2024
Instead of adding images manually, you save time with this plugin. Since the matching processes are done automatically, you can publish your content faster.
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  • (Minor) Strings changed
  • (Minor) Source code revamped for WordPress standards


  • Initial version released