All In One Currency Exchange


Now you can show the products in your woocommerce shop in many currencies to become an international shop with up to update currencies data in our coulds.

This plugin has been build with react and tailwindcss and will be in our github repo if you want to join us developing it.

External Services

The All In One Currency Exchange plugin connects to the CurrencyExchangeRateAPI to retrieve live currency exchange rates. This functionality is essential for displaying accurate currency conversions in your WooCommerce shop.

When the plugin is activated, it sends the admin’s selected currency preferences to the CurrencyExchangeRateAPI each time the relevant widget is loaded. The API request follows the schema:

Here, YOUR-API-KEY should be replaced with your actual API key, and USD is the base currency for the exchange rates.

If the user’s location or currency preference is not available, the plugin will display a configurable default currency.

This service is governed by CurrencyExchangeRateAPI’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Please ensure to review these documents for information on how your data is handled and your rights regarding personal information.


  • Shop Page.
  • Single Product Page
  • Cart page.
  • Mini-Cart
  • Checkout page.
  • Thank You Page
  • Click „Connect Now“ to link your site to your CurrencyExchangeRateAPI account.
  • Main settings screen.



To install and configure All In One Currency Exchange, you will need:

  • WordPress Version 5.3 or newer (installed)
  • WooCommerce Version 3.9 or newer (installed and activated)
  • PHP Version 7.2 or newer
  • CurrencyExchangeRateAPI Account

Installation instructions

  1. Log in to WordPress admin.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Search for the All In One Currency Exchange plugin.
  4. Click on Install Now and wait until the plugin is installed successfully.
  5. You can activate the plugin immediately by clicking on Activate now on the success page. If you want to activate it later, you can do so via Plugins > Installed Plugins.

Setup and Configuration

Follow the steps below to connect the plugin to your CurrencyExchangeRateAPI Account:

  1. After you have activated the All In One Currency Exchange plugin, go to AIOCE > Settings.
  2. Click the Dashboard tab.
  3. Click on the Connect Now button.
  4. Sign in to your CurrencyExchangeRateAPI account. If you do not have a CurrencyExchangeRateAPI account yet, sign up for a new CurrencyExchangeRateAPI account.
  5. After you have successfully connected your CurrencyExchangeRateAPI account, click on the Settings tab and check what feature you want.
  6. Automatic changes.

Complete onboarding instructions can be found in the documentation here.


Where can I find the All In One Currency Exchange documentation and setup guide?

For help setting up and configuring All In One Currency Exchange, please refer to the documentation. Learn how to add All In One Currency Exchange to your website.

Where can I get help for All In One Currency Exchange?

For questions regarding the plugin setup, we recommend reviewing our documentation and the support email if you encounter any issues.
If the question or problem persists after reviewing the documentation, kindly create a send us on support email.

All In One Currency Exchange suddenly no longer works – what do I do?

If you notice an error or any other issue after updating a plugin or the theme, there could be a potential compatibility issue between it and All In One Currency Exchange.
In such cases, If you can’t solve the problem yourself, don’t worry! Please send us on support email.

Where can I report bugs?

Please report confirmed bugs on the All In One Currency Exchange GitHub repository. You can also notify us via our support forum if you are not sure if the problem you encounter is the result of a bug in the plugin. When reporting a bug as a GitHub issue directly, be sure to search the repository to confirm that the bug has not already been reported.

Where can I request new features or compatibility with other extensions?

Request new and vote on existing suggestions for features and extensions on our official feature request board. Our product teams regularly review requests and consider them valuable for product planning. Our support team is also always interested in learning about your ideas to improve the extension.

Does All In One Currency Exchange support WooCommerce Blocks?

Yes, All In One Currency Exchange offers experimental support for the new WooCommerce Cart & Checkout Blocks. The team continues to work on providing a seamless integration with the new WooCommerce Blocks.

Are there any other new features in development?

Yes, the All In One Currency Exchange development team is constantly expanding the functionality of the All In One Currency Exchange plugin with the latest features that CurrencyExchangeRateAPI offers.
View the Testing features previews FAQ for more details.

All In One Currency Exchange is awesome! Can I contribute?

Yes, you can! Contributions are always appreciated. Join in on our GitHub repository to stay up-to-date with the latest developments.


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1.0.0 – 2024-10-20

  • Initial release.