Add newly & customizable advanced content blocks to the Gutenberg editor. Create attractive & colorful content block in gutenberg editor. This is a lightweight plugin to let you create attractive & colorful content sections. The flexible Blocks adds more customization possibilities to the basic blocks like the profile block, or the heading block.
- Create blocks with output code
- Create blocks and modify it.
- Controls available:
- Text
- Textarea
- Number
- Range
- Password
- Image
- Gallery
- Rich Text (WYSIWYG)
- Code Editor
- Inner Blocks
- Select
- Checkbox
- Toggle
- Color Picker
- Date Time
- ColorPalette
Dieses Plugin unterstützt 1 Block.
- Latest Post
In WordPress:
- Go to Plugins > Add New > search for
Advance Block Extend
- Press \“Install Now\“ for the Advance Block Extend plugin
- Press \“Activate Plugin\“
Manual installation:
- Upload the
Advance Block Extend
directory to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the \“Plugins\“ menu in WordPress
How do I report a bug?
Please let me know what\’s going on, with as much detail as you have.
There are no reviews for this plugin.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Advance Block Extend“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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- Fixed some php related errors
- Fixed some css related issue in cover image block, Latest Post Block.
- Added new Gallery Block.
- Initial plugin release