Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Ads for bbPress


Injecting ads inside the bbPress generated pages has never been so easy!

You can add whatever JavaScript and HTML code you want on top and bottom of each page and between topic and reply lists.

Interleaving ads between replies if the best way to monetize your forum.

Adding custom messages on page footer, you can easily invite user to sign up to participate the discussion.
Or, using a shortcode, display a sign up/sign in box (there are plugins that provide those kind of forms).

And why not briefing the forum rules just before the new topic or new reply forms?

Injection points:

  • before and after the single forum page where all topics are listed
  • before and after the single topic page where all replies are listed
  • before the new topic and the new reply form (pretty useful to give evidence to your forum rules)
  • between the topics and the replies blocks (perfect to inject advertisement)
  • just before and after the single reply text (maybe not very useful)

Test mode

In test mode the administrator can surf the forum and find out all injection areas and then configure them from the setting panel. Cannot be easier than that.

Syntax highlight

Using Code Mirror as editor, you have the syntax highlight for your JavaScript, HTML and PHP which makes it easy to edit and check the code.
There is even the autocompletion for some tags!


Tips and tricks can be found on the [http://www.satollo.net/plugins/ads-bbpress](Ads for bbPress page).

For ideas and support use the https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ads-bbpress. It’s a free
plugin made in spare time, be patience.

Design Help

A designer available, for free, to create a logo for this plugin to be used in this page?
And maybe the top banner?

Thank you!

Translation Help

Contribution to the admin side translation https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/ads-bbpress
(will be downloaded automatically by WordPress, great feature!).


  • A block code with its editor which provides the syntax highlight
  • Test mode for administrator: the injection areas for a topic page


  1. Put the plugin folder into [wordpress_dir]/wp-content/plugins/
  2. Go into the WordPress admin interface and activate the plugin
  3. Optional: go to the options page and configure the plugin


See the [http://www.satollo.net/plugins/ads-bbpress](official Ads for bbPress page).


18. November 2021
Plugin does not display shortcodes as advertised on the download page. I deposit a support post but no response from the dev.
23. September 2021
I wanted a simple way to insert custom messages into bbPress hooks without using any code. Not only ad codes, but I first created a block in block editor, copied and pasted HTML output, and this worked perfectly! Thanks always for wonderful plugins.
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Version 1.0.3

  • WP 5.8 compatibility

Version 1.0.2

  • Readme fixes
  • Translation fixes

Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed typos in the readme.txt
  • Fixed the text domain
  • Removed useless code with translation code

Version 1.0.0

  • First public release