Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Add Lightbox


This plugin for WordPress automatically add the rel=“lightbox[ID-OF-THE-POST]“ to images linked in a post
ID-OF-THE-POST is unique per post so all images per post are grouped in one lightbox set.
Works also with the gallery Fonction of WP 2.7 and in comments

Doesn’t add the the files required for Lightbox (it only add the rel lightbox tag)! You have to insert yourself in your theme the required files or use a plugin like Lightbox 2 WordPress Plugin or Lightbox 2.3 plugin for WordPress

Changelog / Todo

* Optimizing the code
* Now Compatible with the Gallery Fonction of WP 2.7
* Adds also rel tag in the comments
* Correction of a bug that added rel tag on links done on img tags.
* Correction of a small bug described by Kristof Mattei. Thanks to him for the help!

Thanks to all who sent bug reports and ideas for improvements.
Please send me a mail if I forgot you to mention here.


  1. Unzip the file
  2. Upload it in /wp-content/plugins/ of your WordPress installation
  3. Activate the Plugin
  4. That’s All


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