This plugin has been closed as of 8. Feber 2025 and is not available for download. This closure is permanent. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
14. Oktober 2023
se a ideia é bloquear quem usa Adblock porque o usuário consegue desativar clicando em um X??
16. Juli 2019
It was a good plugin but now it does nothing.
25. Mai 2018
It seems that it is working great + it is lightweight. Thank you!
23. Dezember 2017
Excellent plugin that does just what I wanted in a tasteful way. Version 2.0 has eliminated a previous little glitch and it’s now flawless.
29. November 2017
I saw this plugin installed on one website, and found it so intriguing that I ended up searching for all plugins on WordPress. And it does the job the „easy“ way without getting in way of the user experience.
Hope they also add a feature to not show any banner to first-time visitors.
30. August 2017
Works well, highly customizable. Also compatible with WP 4.8.1 according my experience.
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